Sculptural Weaving with Bark at the Hoffman Center in Manzanita!!

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On May 5, 2024, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, join May Gallery artist Rose Covert, in a sculptural weaving class. Participants will use beginning basketry techniques including plaiting and twining to start their weave and then will explore using random weave to create a small woven form. Random weave is a freeform weaving style that allows for creative freedom resulting in a unique and interesting design.

Using hand-harvested and locally grown barks to weave into the basketry reed, this workshop will focus on the fundamentals of natural materials and mixed media fiber sculpture. We will learn about the harvesting and processing of the plants so that students will leave with information about gathering what grows near them to use in future projects.

This class is appropriate for all skill levels, no prior weaving experience is necessary. This class is also great for those who have experience with weaving and are looking to increase their weaving vocabulary.

Participants will leave with a woven sculpture that will be unique in size, shape and composition.

Tuition is $145 and includes all materials. Full or partial scholarships are available!

For more information and registration: visit the Hoffman Center for the Arts Website:

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