8-Week Self-Inquiry Online Group starting May 14th

Submitted By: sbwceremonies@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Here is what some people have said about this 8 week journey:

“I am so grateful I took this course. What a gift it was to really examine myself through the lens of these very thoughtful questions that got at the root of what was keeping me stuck.”
~ A.

“Being involved in this group has helped me have more compassion for myself when my inner critic kicks in.” ~ T.

“Taking this course changed me in profound, positive ways. Ways that are improving my work life, relationships, self-talk, thought patterns, etc. Don’t let the name of the course fool you. This is a class for anyone (any belief system) and that wholly meets everyone where they are.” ~ K

The 30 Shamanic Questions are a series of questions channeled by my teacher, Linda Star Wolf, to help us remember the bigger picture of our lives through a process of self-inquiry.

WHEN: 5/14, 5/21, 5/28, 6/4, 6/18, 6/25, 7/2, 7/9. (We won’t meet 6/11) LIVE ON ZOOM, 4-6pm PST

INVESTMENT: $300 (Partial Scholarships Available)
No on turned away due to lack of funds.

REGISTER by May 7th: forms.gle/ba4WyVhPSYrns3qW7

Have Questions? Email: sbwceremonies@gmail.com

As Robert Frost put it, “the best way out is always through”. And as John Green wrote in The Anthropocene Reviewed, “And the only good way through is together. Even when circumstances separate us – in fact, especially when they do – the way through is together.”

So whatever place you may find yourself in or whatever struggle you are encountering, these questions can be a transformative way through together.

Wherever you find yourself, these questions are designed to help you uncover, recover, and discover more of who you truly are.

Lynda “Chickpea” Chick, RN is a Certified Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator