Manzanita Talks with Councilors

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I attended one of the informal talks with Manzanita City Councilors at the Manzanita Visitors
Center recently. Through May, they’re focusing on Revenue Diversification, specifically asking about the possibility of having a Prepared Food/Beverage Tax in Manzanita.
Our discussion ranged far and wide (though focused on potential pros and cons of a local
Prepared Food/Beverage Tax).
The point of the discussion is that in Manzanita, the city depends heavily for revenue on the
Transient Lodging Tax (generated by hotels and short term rentals (STRs).
Our reliance on these taxes is driven by a very low property tax rate, (Manzanita property
owners pay (rounded) .42 per $1,000 of assessed value. Compare this with Bay City, where
property owners pay (rounded) $2.50 per $1,000. Of assessed value)
So, what other options do we have to pay our bills and assure a livable city?
Cannon Beach, Ashland and Yachats all have a Prepared Food Tax of 5%.
Ashland has had theirs for 30 years, followed by Yachats and most recently by Cannon Beach.
The “beverage” (if included) excludes alcohol.
There are a few more Conversations with City Councilors scheduled. I encourage
friends/neighbors to attend, to comment, discuss and learn from one another.
The remaining discussions scheduled at the Manzanita Visitors Center are:
May 14 (Tuesday), 1-3pm
May 22 (Wednesday), 1-3pm
May 28 (Tuesday), 10-12noon
To be sure there’s room at the Visitors Center, they ask us to reserve our seats:
Have Fun!
Mark Kuestner