Manzanita Conversations with Councilors, Correction

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Thanks to Bay City Mayor, David McCall for correcting the amount I quoted that Bay City assesses for permanent property taxes per $1,000. The chart I used had the incorrect data, sorry to have passed that along!
There’s a great article in the newsletter Manzanita Today (2/14/2022) that has two charts, one showing local cities with their property tax rates per $1,000. and the following one how much STR taxes (TLT) they rely on in their General Funds. It’s a good illustration of which cities rely heavily on these funds to stay afloat: To see the charts, please scroll down to page 8.
The next Conversations with Councilors is tomorrow, so if you have ideas about their current topic: Revenue Diversification: Possible Prepared Food Tax in Manzanita? Sign up!