Join us at Pine Grove Community House Member Dinner on May 21st!

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Do You Love A Parade?

Tuesday, May 21st


It’s that time of the year again! The 2024 Manzanita Fourth of July Parade is only a few weeks away and organizers are hard at work!

If you would like more information about this local tradition, Erin Laskey-Wilson, co-organizer of this year’s parade, will be happy to tell you all about it. The history, this year’s theme, the annual parade poster, and the myriad of details that make up a traditional small town Fourth of July Parade.

And if you would like to volunteer your time or expertise, she’s still looking for volunteers! Or maybe you would you like to be in the parade? Here’s your chance to get involved! Erin will join us at the Pine Grove members’ dinner on Tuesday, May 21st at 5:30 pm. If you have parade questions, she’ll probably have the answers. We hope to see you there!

Please RSVP to Mary Moran at

Please note this is a member only event … not a member? Not a problem! Join us on the night, annual membership is $20 per person for the remainder of the calendar year.

Remember to bring an appetizer, main course or dessert to share, as well as your own place setting.