Thank You 60 yr old White Clover Grange Tables

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Hello Tri- Villagers!
We are paying tribute to the service of our 60+ year old dining TABLES, utilized by members of our
community, and beyond, by retiring them.
Yes, these old warriors have participated in birthday parties, weddings, family reunions, meetings,
dances, and other countless events over the years. Families and friends have also gathered together
for celebrations of life, for many beloved residents of our Nehalem Valley, and beyond, in this pioneer
But now we feel the time has arrived to usher in a new era of culinary experience at our Grange Hall. As the old adage goes “They have paid for themselves many times over.”
We, at the Grange, have chosen to send out an appeal to all the people, who over the years, have
enjoyed sitting at our 60+ year old friends, to assist us in procuring new dining apparatus, by generously coming together to replace the old(er) with new 8’ TABLES.
New, modern (and easier to move and set up) TABLES set us back around $200 each. To go together (halvsies?) with a friend, or local business to purchase one would be VERY helpful! Heck, we could even inscribe, with a Sharpie, your initials on the underside so your generosity will live on in Grange infamy!!
Also, they would very effectively complement our new more comfortable chairs recently purchased, by the Grange, for the enjoyment of community members participating in gatherings. Thank you, Grange member Constance, for locating, transporting these new chairs, and also the community support!
Seriously, the old stallions are showing their age – aren’t we all? They are heavy, cumbersome to move, and literally falling apart. Time to put ‘em out to pasture so to speak!
To make your much appreciated donation go to, click on the donate
button, enter the amount you would like to donate, then check the comment box and specify TABLES.
Any other comments you might want to share about your experiences at our Grange Hall are welcome also.
Lastly, you can always SEND a remittance to WHITE CLOVER GRANGE, PO Box 188, Nehalem, OR. 97131.
Please specify TABLE in the “For”—- line on the check.
Thank you SO much for your time and generosity! WCG 🙂