Club Manzanita Okay, we get it

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I want to acknowledge the willingness of the Manzanita City Council to revisit its recent increases to water rates and its meter reading and billing process.

Increasing rates and incorporating an annual rate increase to account for inflationary costs was long overdue and I believe supported by the majority of Manzanita citizens. However, the reduction in the base water allotment from 4,000 to 2,000 gallons per month created an unnecessary financial hardship for families and customers of more modest means by ensuring an additional monthly surcharge each and every month the 2,000 gallon base allotment was exceeded.

The City will return to quarterly meter readings and billing until the outcome of the referendum vote by the Manzanita electorate on keeping our existing quarterly meter reading and billing process takes place later this year. In the meantime, the City plans to hire another consultant to conduct a new rate study based on a quarterly rate structure which citizens will be able review and comment on before it is adopted.

Those in our community who are having to deal with higher rent, groceries, gas etc. do not need to have the city again increase the base water charge. The best outcome of this new study is to maintain the existing base charge and also provide households with the necessary amount of water in the base allotment that is free of additional surcharges.

Citizens who wish to keep up with developments on this matter can send me their email address at and I will let you know how to both stay informed and participate as the City moves forward to resolve this issue.

Randy Kugler