Sunday Sauna, Brunch and Grief Circle 10-2

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Brunch, Sweat and Tears: A Grief Salon:
This Sunday, June 16th 10am-2pm
Get tickets at link below:

Join us for a healing Sunday Salon with therapist and grief work facilitator Joshua Lowe.

As we enter summer it feels good to lighten our spirits by releasing the weight of grief that many of us carry for ourselves and for the world.

This Sunday Grief Salon is a gentle intro to working with the ”5 gates of Grief” discussed in Francis Weller’s book “The Wild Edge of Sorrow”.

After a cleansing sauna and cold plunge (optional) and light brunch we will sit in circle and work with the sacred emotion of grief.

Northern CA based grief facilitator and therapist Joshua Lowe will be leading us through the 5 Gates:

First Gate: Everything we love we will lose.
Personal loss of loved ones, relationships, careers, loss of health. Here we are initiated into the medicine of vulnerability.

Second Gate: The Places that have not known love.
Parts of us that have been shamed, not allowed, or harshly judged. Here we are initiated into the medicine of compassion.

Third Gate: The Sorrows of the World.
Climate change, poverty, war and the collective pain of humanity.
Here we are initiated into the medicine of entanglement.

Fourth Gate: What you expected and did not receive.
Things we don’t realize we’ve lost, because we weren’t born into a village with full joyous welcome of our gifts.
Here we are initiated into the medicine of belonging.

Fifth Gate: Ancestral Grief
Unacknowledged and untended sorrow of those who came before us.Here we are initiated into the medicine of wisdom.

Get tickets with this link:

This gathering is about sharing what is true for you, whether it’s tears, anger, numbness or fear. It‘s about authenticity and connection.

There’s no expectation that you express your grief in any specific way. It’s not designed to “fix or process” you.

We’re hear to listen and express gratitude and share your feelings and experience.

This isn’t a depressing event, it’s a joyful, life affirming one.

All of you is welcome to share, witness, and honor grief and joy.

About the facilitator:

Joshua Lowe is a licensed therapist, public educator, musician, and nature-oriented rites of passage and grief ceremony guide.

He brings 20+ years experience supporting others in transformational journeying and has supported teens and adults in various communities including high school, men’s groups, nature, prisons, and in the therapy office.

Joshua has been mentored in leading grief rituals by Therese Charvet and Laurence Cole who are carriers of the grief rituals taught by Sobonfu Some and Malidoma Some.

He brings a deep reverence for the power of grief ritual as a healing force and is humbled by the opportunity to support others in deepening their relationship to self and community through honoring and expressing grief and joy.

Tickets for event at link below: