Volunteers Needed!! Help at the Cannon Beach Library’s Book Sale

Submitted By: Info@cannonbeachlibrary.org – Click to email about this post
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED It’s almost time for the Cannon Beach Library’s Annual Fourth of July Book Sale! The book sale is a vital fundraiser for the library. If you know your ABC’s, can tote some boxes, or sell books during the sale, we need your help. It’s a little crazy (and a lot of fun). Please come and help us make it a success. Strength is highly valued! How you can help: July 2nd – Beginning @ 3 pm: Preparing the library July 3rd – Beginning @ 9 am: Putting out books July 4th, 5th, 6th – Various 2-hour slots from 10 am to 5 pm: cashiers, baggers, stockers July 7th – Beginning @ 3 pm: End of sale tear down – packing books, loading U-Haul, cleaning library. The library opens on Monday morning! Call 503-436-1391, email info@cannonbeachlibrary.org, or stop into the library to sign up!