Science Is Real

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One more thing to get off my chest while I’m at it: The dangers of the so-called ‘liberal’ anti-science ‘science is real’ crowd.

The ones who are STILL wearing masks (the leftist/communist equivalent to MAGA hats) to combat aerosolized ’covid’ are definitely in this anti-science crowd. And do you see the danger? Those masks are not protecting you folks, so if you don’t want to inhale ‘covid’ you need to just stay home or away from people. And it’s really sad when I see crazy people like this alone in their cars, alone on the beach, along gardening like the lady along Hwy 101 yesterday wearing masks, very much alone and outside. It’s f*cking sad and anti-science and they have been victimized by the pro-covid pro-shutdown creeps of the billionaire class and millions and millions who gave in to the fear and embraced this medical tyranny from on-high.

But my issue with the anti-science crowd isn’t just with ‘the vaccine’ that isn’t really a vaccine, like those of us who understand science knew all along.

From the ‘liberals’ beloved 9th Circuit Court of Appeals:

We also knew early on that the vaccines were killing people and causing infertility and raising humanity’s all-cause mortality rate:

(Maybe watch our pandemic ‘$avior’ Bill Gate$’ extreme and hysterical Ted Talk about humanity’s dire need to depopulate next???)

And yes, while millions and millions of ‘covid’ cases were really the flu (where did the flu go in 2020?) and folks who died from myriad causes were tested post-mortem for ‘covid’ and if it was found via PCR (PCR finds EVERYTHING and MEANS NOTHING as we all have tons of pathogens in us constantly – science) the hospitals got $50,000 from the CDC (our tax dollars) for each ‘covid’ death. Huh? Wuh? Why? And now The WHO wants to do this scam all over again with…drum roll please…BIRD FLU!

But it looks like SCIENCE from MEXICO took down the DOD/CIA/BIG PHARMA/BIG TECH/BIg BANKS opening bird flu salvo:

“The Mexican government has denied that one of its citizens died of H5N2 bird flu, contradicting claims from the WHO. The WHO claimed that the death of the Mexican man was the world’s first fatal case of bird flu in humans.
The head of the country’s Ministry of Health, Jore Alcocer, said in a press conference on Wednesday that the WHO’s announcement was “quite bad” and that the actual cause of death of the 59-year-old man, who died on April 24, had not been determined.

Alcocer stated that the man suffered from chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, all of which could have influenced or caused his death. He had been bedridden for weeks before dying.
The Health Secretary also reassured the Mexican people not to panic or to avoid consuming chicken in any form.”

Science is real, and if you don’t understand science, but still have one of those self-righteous signs in your yard, you might want to start learning how to read science. (Also on your sign it says ‘women are to be respected’, and I hope everyone who has one of those signs stands opposed to trans men competing in women’t sports. And if ya’ll want to keep getting folks angry at your ‘community’ keep doing things like insisting boys can compete on girls sports teams in high school or college.)

Here he is himself:

NICE TRY LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and despite what the MSM is telling you, those Russian war ships that just arrived in Cuba two days ago because of idiot Democrats destroying Ukraine and NATO/Democrats continuously screwing with Russia’s sovereignty in general, are carrying NUCLEAR WEAPONS also. And I thought Trump was the one who was gonna get us nuked? Again, I THOUGHT TRUMP WAS THE ONE WHO WAS GONNA GET US NUKED?? I remember that hysteria well. I would love some apologies from the pro-Biden crowd about this one! Four more years in office and the Obama/Clinton Dem absolute anti-human no-border war-scum running this admin for the senile, pants-sh*tting girl-sniffing creep will DEFINITELY GET US NUKED:

But the real reason I want to address the anti-science ‘science is real’ crowd today is that I just got wind of this absolute anti-science horsesh*t from the ’science is real’ crowd of Multnomah County:

And here is SCIENCE, as opposed to idiot hysteria from Wokeland’s city council and the Covenor Kotek’sOffice. (Covenor, I just made that up, pretty good eh?) In fact, the defendants should just play this outstanding documentary in court:

And if you want to understand why the Air Force clouds our skies here at the coast every so often:

Yup, science is real.
