Gorgeous Cat Needs a Good Home

Submitted By: unitedpawshelp@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
United Paws rescued a young Mama & her 6 kittens after their family moved away in early May and left them behind. Two caring women brought them to UP headquarters where Volunteer Fosters have been caring for them until they are placed in forever homes. We named the Mama cat “Nyx” (pronounced “nix”) because she has a sleek, satiny, black coat with a white locket and she moves with a natural grace & elegance. In ancient Greek mythology, Nyx was the goddess of the night & dreams, and often presented herself as a black cat. The name seems to fit our gorgeous Nyx!

Nyx is not quite a year old, friendly, and a fast learner. When you pick her up, she purrs and loves to have her neck and head rubbed. She is well socialized and comfortable in her foster home. Nyx is active and wants to play often, chasing the elusive red dot or going after small foam balls thrown across the room. With her mellow & playful personality, we think she would get along with a friendly cat or dog, and probably children who have gentle hands.

Nyx eats both wet food and some crunchies, and uses the cat box with no problem. She has been spayed, vaccinated, and is healthy with no special needs, except to have a loving family of her own who will appreciate her beauty & companionship. If you are interested in adopting Nyx, contact United Paws. You can fill out the Adoption Application below or email us at unitedpawshelp@gmail.com. You must be 21 years or older to adopt through United Paws.
