Science Is Real 3.0

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Hi Gene,

Some response,

You wrote:

“I haven’t quite been able to figure out why anti-vaxers and anti-maskers are often very pro-Russian”

I would translate your statement thusly: “I haven’t been able to figure out why folks who don’t want government mandates for an experimental MRNA-technology forced on the public, and who don’t want to put that technology into their own bodies at all, ever, and who don’t validate the use of KN95 surgical splash-guard masks as any sort of impediment to airborne viruses, are often very against NATO and The United Sates of America violating the terms of peace from WW2 and trying to start a nuclear war and/or World War Three with Russia.”

And for me, the answer is clear: Peace, Love, Freedom.

You also wrote that such folks are also “very hateful of our own country with all its flaws…”

Mmmmmmm….the patriot anti-vax anti-mask anti-war crowd is hateful of America???

I’m confused on that part of the sentence.

You wrote more:

“…and also despise people with different views of society, politics, and health.” That’s a mouthful dude. I despise lots of folks for lots of reasons, as you do, as we all do.

And you wrote:

“As for masks, Andy, you have no idea why anyone chooses to wear a mask but insist on your right to pre-judge and condemn them.”

Gene, when you see someone wearing a MAGA hat, what do you think about them? We all have the right to pre-judge whomever we want. And as I wrote, I feel bad for most of the folks still wearing masks. I stated that I think they have been victimized by Big Pharma and their associates. I am stating that they are victims. The ones condemning them are the vax-makers that made billions off the fear they generated, the fear they put into those people’s hearts.

You also wrote:

“What or who makes you So, So Special?”

I don’t know, right!!! I’ve been wondering about that for years!!! But I sure as sh*t am special, eh Gene??

“I’ve known some patriarchal dudes in my life, but… wow!”

Not sure where that came from, but I’m more of a feminist than most feminists are these days.

And in my post I clearly FOUGHT THE PATRIARCHY by putting the war-pigs-slaughtering-girls-in-Ukraine by…well wait a sec, lets find that Wall St Journal piece I posted on this site months ago, where the ‘war with Russia’ patriarchal war-pigs made an ad telling Ukrainian girls they were brave feminists for dying for Zelensky and Lynsie Graham. They were brave for getting killed by American bombs via Russian tanks and artillery.

Eh, this CNBC propaganda is good enuf. Here is some actual, sickening, patriarchy…masquerading as feminism. Keep bombing Ukraine Democrats, the Ukrainian feminists are fighting sexism! (Not so much when they’re dead)

I also pointed out that trans boys competing against girls in high school and college was bad for girls, and in doing so I was fighting the patriarchy (trans men). Where did all the butch dykes go anyway? I got along with them pretty damn good!

Doh! :0
