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The 16th annual Wheeler Clean-up Day on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at Waterfront Park was an OUTSTANDING SUCCESS! Two 30-cubic-yard dumpsters were filled to the brim with old wood, broken furniture, odds and ends, and so much more! One 40-cubic-yard dumpster was packed tight with metal items for recycling! And one trailer was stacked high with paint containers! Wow! This town feels brighter and tidier today!

This is a community event and our great community members willingly turned out! Thanks to everyone who brought items or who asked to have items picked up, who patiently waited to be helped, who lent a hand, and for all the smiles and “thank you” comments you voiced to the enthusiastic volunteers!

Volunteers are the heart and soul of this event! Without these fabulous people, this event could not happen. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes to:

Mike A, Brad F, Craig S, Anthony P, Anna St J, Anne M and Cynthia S. Ron S, from our City Public Works, worked all day to lend a hand — thank you, Ron!

Patrick Willison of Sight Unseen Shredding in Tillamook joined us for a second year! Thank you, Patrick!

And, a very special thanks goes to Jessi Just and her winning team of volunteers from the Heart of Cartm Swap Shop who collected items for resale, reuse or to be re-imagined! This event would not be as successful or as fun without your presence and mentoring!

With gratitude to all,
Mary Leverette, Coordinator
Wheeler Clean-up Day 2024