GENERAL INTEREST, science is real

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In response to those who have been following our excellent community discussion, ‘science is real’, I will preface my remarks buy relating to a recent, fairly long term dialog via email with a member of our community.

I was invited to join an in person discussion group to “bring the blues and the reds together”, that followed a proscribed protocol to participate. Everyone got equal time to speak and to be civil. Being more inclined to share in writing the individual agreed and what followed over a few months were numerous emails presenting our views on everything from gardening and music to history and pressing world events. The per tenant point in relating this exchange is that in my very first introduction expressing who I was, I pointed out that the over riding influence in our communications, besides of course any personal history, would be our sources for information that guide our judgement and beliefs.

Throughout our exchanges, we shared mutual love of musicians, authors, family, food, the good things, but regarding more serious issues, I leaned heavily into the arc of history that brought us to the present, hoping to show a coherent pattern to support my perspectives but from the very beginning to the last email, my versions of events were discounted out of hand 90% of the time, because the publication or medium was considered an unacceptable source. Examples would be podcasts, blogs, you tube interviews, alternative news sites. This pen pal was much more inclined to look forward, find common ground and move toward the common good. Fair enough, that’s what most of us want but we all know what’s said about not studying history and eventually there were too many disagreements about where we are, so choosing directions for positive forward movement became agreeing to disagree. It all came down to who and what we each believed to be true, faith in our sources. If my referrals were not published, in print, in the NYT, POST, WALL STREET JOURNAL, SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, TIME and the like, they were suspect. I would point out that considering most of said outlets are owned by a few individuals very heavily invested in shaping narratives to protect their heavy investments, thinking they carry weight because they once wore the robes of truth and respect, made them suspect. The idea that history can and is often revised as it happens, depending on who gets to write or report it, can be difficult to understand let alone accept but it is true. This is the theme I would not set aside while trying to describe our common ground. It’s not unusual for two people to experience the same thing and tell very different stories, but directing policy without consensus can be disastrous on a large scale.

Pivotal events involving our nation, both internally and internationally have increased exponentially over the past 150 years, driven by industry and electricity, until now, well, how to describe; it’s horrendous? ( note the list of wars and coups above). One thing is certain, it takes way more time and energy than most folks have to keep up with and filter events for truth and that’s across the boards; science, policies, creative advances, nations working and not working together, understanding climate, keeping up with AI and surveillance, on and on, and the whole parade of personalities that present their part of the show.

Sources are important. None of us are so qualified that we don’t rely on others for their expertise. Below is a raft of sources which the curious student of science, politics, history etc, can explore and decide for themselves if they are credible, and believe me, I know someone else might comprise a list to refute each and every one of the offerings below. Go for it. Such is the nature of the tools and depth of information we have in our hands, but I think dispensing with the term “conspiracy” and just saying theory would encourage education. And, as mentioned before, the impact of the speed and momentum carrying the whole world forward presently should be part of any conversation: ubiquitous devices, overwhelming messaging.

Regarding ones love of country and how they express it I would remind folks that vehemently disagreeing with policies is a right and obligation, especially if you feel the leaders you did, or did not choose, go off the rails. Maybe we should slow down so we can hear the message the guy on the side of the road waving red flags is trying to say, even if we don’t like the distraction, because he’s trying to warn us the bridge around the curve has collapsed.


Unlike the news shorts we were inundated with from the start, these links take some time. (My apologies for my poor PC skills if you have to copy and paste each link).
Within weeks of covid appearing on the world scene, Dr. Francis Boyle determined it was lab altered.
This link is just his resume, which should lend weight to his conclusion. It will be almost impossible to find anyone in the whole world who has worked as tirelessly for human rights and justice.
Work your way through this one and you may pass the class; probably don’t have to do the rest of the homework.
Work through it.
Dr David Martin address the European Assembly; patents for cov-2 filed years ago.
We were warned about this from the beginning.
Want to know what’s in the “vaccine”?
Why was it not used immediately?
Dr. Robert Malone, one of the pioneers in mRNA research. This interview like many shedding light on this three year event is long but then it’s a complicated story. He has been involved since the beginning.
Dr. Peter Mccullugh testifies before congress.
He’s one of the many medical doctors who the whole world listened to and quoted before COVID, and being the first to raise red flags about the mRNA treatment in writing, was one of the first to be censored and slandered. No one is any more qualified than he is to educate us on this landslide of poor choices.
This is dated. New data does nothing but reinforce the concerns.
Math science
And you can cut to the kill and just read the book; not for the weak spirited. The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.
More science than most want to absorb.
Dated but the numbers even then don’t lie.
Were they necessary or worth it?
Another leading expert the world looked to until covid.

I could easily add a hundred more links. Experts, really smart people have not been silent, just silenced.


History is important and there is a lot of it that the citizens of this nation are either ignorant of or in denial of, and it is especially impactful since the beginning of the twentieth century. After WWII, the combination of complacency and accelerating event cycles leave us finding it hard to believe that our trusted leaders lie to us on a scale we now know to be true. In that vein, here’s two books that will help clarify:
The Devils Chess Board, by David Talbot, and expanding upon and updating is, One Nation Under Blackmail; Volume 1 and 2, by Whitney Webb. Our nations past is not the history we were taught in school.
The CIA and our military have been busy in our name and as the business of war has grown, so has its bonds with our congress.
I love the USofA as the idea it is intended to be. I am learning how elevated the framers of our republic were, how complete their vision was and how when the documents were completed and signed, we the people were admonished to be vigilant and participate, to not become lax. I think those framers would now agree with me that we allowed or nation to become a bloody empire.
It’s not that our nation hasn’t done nobel things or hasn’t shared it’s advancments with other nations but if we peel back the Norman Rockwell, Father Knows Best veneers and ‘how we won the world war’ narrative, there’s alot to atone for, and there is a lag time for repercussions from brutal past aggressions. It takes generations for injustices done to other nations to boomerang back on the agressor. Think about imigrants from failed states.
Take a break from your latest Netflix detective series and try this one. It’s All a Richmans Trick.
A lesson from Professor Stephen Cohen about Russia.
Corlnel Douglas MacGreagor, a Russian proagandist? Boulder Dash! Might be the clearest, most concise, experienced and educated advisor for our nation on not only foriegn policy but domestic as well.
Pepe Escobar has become what Naom Chomsky used to be, a world repected geo-political analyst. US and it’s Western European vasals keep trying to duct tape the empire together while shooting themselves in their feet, their legs and it looks like the’re going for the head now. Stupidity or intentional destruction I don’t know but we are perilously close to finding out.
One of many interviews with Whitney Webb, this will introduce you to a remarkable person who holds more information at the ready and can connect the dots maybe better than anyone else, and I mean anywhere.
John Pilger left us with a legacy of truthful reporting about war.
Understanding the Ukraine
Title says it all.
If you thought there were no more articulate and passionate voices left in Europe then listen to Clare Daly.

Again I could add a hundred more links.
Ending thoughts