Hearing about Nedonna Wave Housing Development

Submitted By: lyndsey.nccwp@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Important message!
This month’s NCCWP meeting in Rockaway Beach at St. Mary by the Sea (originally scheduled for Thursday, June 27) has been canceled, because of a conflict with another important meeting. (Next month, on Thursday, July 25, these regular monthly meetings will resume).
Instead of attending the NCCWP meeting on June 27, please join us at a special Rockaway Beach Planning Commission meeting beginning at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall; 276 S. Highway 101. This will be a continuation of the June 20 Planning Commission hearing regarding a proposed housing development in the Nedonna Beach neighborhood. This will have major implications for drinking water, wildlife, wetlands, public health and safety. Your participation is needed to help save from development a section of coastal wetland, forest, and estuary.
We hope to see you there!