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“…cuz my money is spent, on that god-damned rent, neither party is mine, not the jackass or the elephant.” – Public Enemy, ‘When I get to Arizona”, (circa 1991)

BBQers of the last 15-20 years may remember “Source To Sea: The Columbia River Swim”, a documentary film I made dealing with salmon, natives, and the once clean water of Che’Wanna, aka The Columbia River. The film won several awards on the environmental film festival circuit that year.

In that film I interviewed Yakama elder Russel Jim, a round-faced full-blooded Yakama scientist who dealt with the Hanford Nuclear Reservation for the tribe (he has died). His significant physical stature was that of Jeff Trenary, also genetically native, and familiar to many who use this forum. Russel used words like “pyrophoric” and he had a hatchet hanging on his office wall that I’m sure he would have loved to bury into the forehead of the CEO of Bechtel. My producing partner, Ralph, told Russel as much, and Russel just smiled.

Russell also fished Celilo Falls as a child before The Dalles dam was built. That dam produces very little electricity, and in my opinion, should be removed so We the People of Oregon can have our sacred, Niagara Falls-rivaling Celilo Falls back. Those falls, sacred fishing grounds for several area tribes since time immemorial, should never have been flooded by The Greedy Ones.

And part of that flooding provides great insight into ‘conspiracy theory’, a term non-thinkers like to use so they don’t have to pay attention to and/or look at ugly stuff, such as threats to their health and livelihoods, our open southern border, their complicity in war, etc.

Today – and you may have seen it – there is a railroad bridge connecting Oregon and Washington, just west of the now buried Celilo Falls, east of The Dalles. That bridge was built, according to Russel who lived there and fished the falls as a kid (mega-huge salmon caught on hand-made scaffolds via hand-held hoop net. Um…hell yeah! I want in!), and, check this out, but it isn’t fun – that bridge was built – with a DECK THAT CAN LIFT TO ACCOMMODATE CONTAINER SHIPS – and check it out – IT WAS BUILT 20 YEARS (TWENTY YEARS) BEFORE there was ANY TALK OF DEEP-WATER CONTAINER SHIP TRAFFIC ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER!!!

“They”, the conspirators in this case, built a bridge-lift on a bridge that could accommodate container ships, 20-years BEFORE there was any talk of container ships on The Columbia (!), (they certainly didn’t tell the Indians) because they were confident that 20-years in the future, ‘they’ were going to successfully flood-out the Celilo People and destroy their lives and culture so their buddies (co-conspirators) could make money via container ship and barge traffic pressing into the grain-growing country of The Palouse.

That’s what happened.

The events described above constitute a conspiracy in my view, and I have just outlined a ‘conspiracy theory’.

That wasn’t so bad now, was it?

Anyway, can you imagine being part of building a bridge and looking upstream and seeing this entire Native Village of Salmon People fishing and living and laughing and loving-their-lives and their children, as they had been doing since time immemorial – and knowing that you are complicit in destroying their town and homes and lives and THIER CHILDREN’S HOPE so a bunch of greedy grain growers in the Palouse – who cut your measly paycheck – can make an extra buck? There were/are roads and railroad tracks. Celilo did not need to be flooded. The People Of Oregon’s destruction of The Celilo People is, inarguably, so, so sad.

The Greedy Ones, The Conspirators, “The Sparrow Sisters”, as they have been remembered in Celilo lore, exist in myriad form.

Like the flooding of Celilo, the mass deaths from ‘the vax’, the mRNA tech, from The Greedy Ones, was known well in advance:

When The Greedy Ones are clearly planning World War Three:

…and in advance of that, are using lawfare (warfare with words) to anticipate a legal justification for murdering our daughters, that is CONSPIRACY to commit future murder:

The Greedy Ones are planning World War Three, and they have started building a damn across the Columbia River, and for some sick/strange reason, they are hell-bent on using our daughters as cement.

Is there a border CONSPIRACY? Looks like it, but this is example doesn’t speak to that, but to common sense.

This guy from Iran is more worried about America than any Democrat I have EVER HEARD FROM, and that is so incredibly shameful. Look how logical and smart this Iranian is. Then think about how stupid every open-border democrat is:

Is there a bird flu CONSPIRACY?

Get ready to don your masks and line up for bird flu shots! Oh the nostalgia!

(If this new excites you, you are what is called a masochist)

I’m done writing. Ya’ll are stupid and boring. I wish I had some Celilo Indians to hang out with.
