News from Sammy’s Place

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Accessibility is important to everyone. Whether it be accessing a beach or park, a tourist attraction or coastal eatery; or joining a committee, class, council, or board, access to participate matters to every one of us. For many, there are barriers to being an active community member that can be overcome with attention and consideration, and the right connections.
This is the work Sammy’s Place and its COAAST (Communities of All Abilities Succeeding Together) Network programs having been doing for several years. The network is part of the Oregon Consortium of Family Networks (OCFN) whose goal is to connect families with each other and to their local communities where they live. These relationships become the supports needed to gain genuine access to our communities. When we know each other, we care — when we care, we support.
Sammy’s Place works to fund programs that increase access for all individuals, that provide more choices to be part of the community, such as:
Self Advocacy Discovery Tours and Summit with the Arc of Lincoln County. New exciting networking opportunities in our coastal communities. Person-Centered Planning and why it works. Disability 101 Education: How do I talk to my neighbor? Video production highlighting independence, universal design, and housing access. Affordable housing that highlights the principles of universal design and community. Community Service Equity: Who are we missing? Universal Access for our hard-of-hearing friends.
AND much more!
“We are interested in growing as many opportunities as possible for our coastal neurodiverse families and friends including those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD),” said Leah Halstead, Board Chair for Sammy’s Place. “This is our time to share the simple ways thinking about universal access opens the choices, for everyone. It’s really exciting work”.
The Sammy’s Place Board invites community friends and organizations to partner where our work intersects to increase reach and support for these valuable, necessary programs and services.
Funding comes from a variety of sources including the Emil W. and Lois E. Brammert Fund of Oregon Community Foundation, The Fairview Trust, the Collins Foundation, the State of Oregon, and private donations [see more here:]. “The Sammy’s Place Board of Director is very grateful for those that continue to support the innovative ideas and new services,” added Halstead.
As Sammy’s Place works to create opportunities, they invite you to think about ways your family or organization can expand the reach by supporting every person for who they are, and to be an active participant in our communities.
Upcoming Activities & Events:
Community Picnic, Rockaway Beach, June 27
Discovery Boat Tour, Newport, OR Yaquina Bay – Registration coming soon.
Tillamook County Fair – Meetup
Healthier Oregon Community Exploration
Self-Advocacy Discovery Events
Universal Design Housing Tours
Fall Community Unified Sports
For more information, go to
Photos by Travis Williams of Broken Banjo Photography
(housing update to come)