Manzanita Fourth of July Parade

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TillCoDems will be participating in the Manzanita Fourth of July parade. All are welcome to join us and show our pride in being Democrats and having confidence in all of our candidates, our President and the sanctity of Democracy.

We will have a beautiful 1993 grey decorated Ford truck and two of us will be carrying a TillCoDems banner in front of the truck. It would be great to have you and your’s join us to walk, wave, maybe pass out candy or voter registration forms.There will be room for a couple of folding chairs in the back of the truck, so let us know if your mobility is limited and we will try to accommodate. There will also be some small flags participants can use and hopefully hand out a few.

We will gather at the corner of Division and Manzanita (right off of highway 101). Those of you willing to help decorate the truck should be there at 10:30 a.m. Those who are walking, waving, and smiling with us can be there at 12:00. The parade starts at 1:00.

Look for Angel or Dave!