What does it take to get into Club Manzanita?

Submitted By: judysugg@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
Given the posts about Club Manzanita, I was curious about the guidelines for joining. This is what I discovered:
• You have to care about Manzanita and our area.
• You must be willing to be thoughtful about the issues affecting the city.
• When a decision is made, be willing to move forward.
• You have to consider the city ours, not mine, and not yours.
• You have to be willing to focus on the future and not the past.
• Change will happen and when you don’t like it, that’s fine, but talk respectfully to others.
• Feel free to run for office, and if you don’t win, be gracious, not resentful.
• Respect the many hundreds of volunteers at the city and area’s organizations. In fact, celebrate them for their problem-solving skills, patience, grace in communication, and diligence. Wow, they do a lot of work.
• Enjoy the fantastic place we live in and work to make it a better, kinder, more inclusive place.