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This morning’s headlines on Drudge. (Below)

I think it VERY likely we will VERY soon wake up to a total grid down scenario. This might be due to a hack, a mistake, because of the war Democrats are trying to start, or an intentional grid-collapse by the DEMOCRAT WHO JUST TRIED TO MURDER TRUMP. This new brand of murderous Democrat will do anything to get their war with Russia.

In a grid-down scenario, most will die within 30 days.

Clean water will be an issue. So in addition to having ON-HAND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO LIVE FOR 30 DAYS, also consider taking Kim Miller’s clean-water/emergency scenario WASH class at Nehelam Bay Fire Rescue?

Next classes:


Here are todays headlines on Drudge. If this doesn’t get you prepping, don’t come knocking on my door:

Tech Outage Hits Banks, Airlines, Firms Worldwide… Developing…
Most serious IT faliure ever seen… Plunged into dark ages…
Heath care providers report problems with patient services…
Huge hospital group forced to cancel surgeries…
CROWDSTRIKE says not cyberattack; Fix deployed…
‘Could take weeks’ to repair…

Worth noting that Bill Gates’ (reduce population NOW!) Microsoft is the progenitor of this deadly chaos, which will see many die. And this outage is minor.

I have stated my opinion about this on this site, and I will state again that I believe it is quite foolish to remain unprepared for a grid-fail scenario. If you keep 30 days worth of stuff in your garage, clean water, food, medicine, you will have a great chance of making it 30 days with no cash-registers, no gasoline for you car, no electricity, etc.
