A Unique Repair & Reimagination Experience!

Submitted By: jessi@heartofcartm.org – Click to email about this post
Repair Cafe
Saturday, July 20th
3 – 5 pm
White Clover Grange

Heart of Cartm, a Northcoast non-profit, hosts a monthly Repair Café that isn’t just about fixing broken items; it’s also about sharing knowledge and skills. For the July Repair Cafe, Heart of Cartm has teamed up with White Clover Grange to bring you a truly special event!
In addition to repairing your beloved items this July, we will also be dismantling a beautiful, but un-repairable antique piano to reimagine its parts. Martha Taylor will be leading this activity. She will have wonderful stories to share about her career as a piano repair person in Oregon and will be available to answer all your piano questions. Put this one-of-a-kind experience on your calendar!!
Event Details:

Time: 3 – 5 pm
Location: White Clover Grange, Hwy 53, Nehalem

Expert fixers will be available for diagnosing and repairing: Jewelry, Textiles, Vacuums, Small Appliances, Lamps. We can also assemble furniture, answer questions and show you how to use items that might have you befuddled.
Register your item to repair: www.heartofcartm.org/repaircafe
You must register your item in advance of the event to have time with a repair person.

We encourage you to come to this event if you enjoy repairing things, taking things apart or just like watching the repairs happen. Come if you are a curious soul! Come if you want to support repair, reuse and reimagination!
You do not need to register for this event if you are not bringing an item to be repaired.

This is a NO-COST service to share skills and divert useful materials from the landfill. While the event is free, your donations are greatly appreciated to help cover operating costs, tools, and materials.
Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to engage with your community, learn new skills, and use creative problem solving to keep valuable resources out of the landfill.

See you at the Grange!