Friends of NCRD Flowers for Sale

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Friends of North County Recreation District have enough flowers to do fresh flowers 7 days a week. And you say, who cares? Well, remember that birthday you don’t have a present for, or a gift for the person who has everything, and don’t forget the perfect gift to say thank you to someone who did you that special favor. There’s like a million reasons to give someone flowers. So, 7 days a week, Friends will have flowers down at the Little Apple. All flowers are picked daily, arranged, and then down to the Little Apple by 10 AM. Proceeds go to Friends of NCRD who share them with projects and programs at NCRD. The Youth, Aquatics, and Fitness programs all receive money for scholarships for people in our community who may not be able to afford the programs. About half of Friends’ money goes to the Youth Program. You buy flowers to make someone happy and Friends shares to make NCRD inclusive of all in our community. Friends also need clean vases to make this program work. Box up your vases and leave them by our stand or take them to the North County Recreation District Welcome Center. Thanks to all of you who have bought flowers. If you have flowers you would like to donate to our project, just call Patty at 503-368-6081.