Sunday Meditation returns to NCRD

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For almost three decades a Sunday morning meditation group met in the Riverview Room—until COVID hit and then, like so many things, the Sunday group went on pause.

This long-standing group is now returning—with a few changes…
The group will now meet once per month on the last Sunday of the Month.

The meeting time will be 9:30 – 10:00 am.
the format will be the same:
• the bell rings at 9:30
• sit in silence for 30 minutes
• the bell rings at 10:00 to conclude the sit

No registration required, no enrollment necessary.
Everyone welcome by small donation.

There is no teaching associated with this structure, and people are free to leave right after the conclusion of the session. Conversations have been known to start up after the sit and some continue outside the building once the room has been cleared.

Participants will continue to have access to the yoga props for sitting and there are also a few of Bob Brook’s custom-designed benches available.

The dates for the next five sits are:
August 25
September 29
October 27
November 24
December 29

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