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Every so often the pendulum gets knocked off its rocker:

This speech below by a KENNEDY, who is JUST LIKE JOHN AND BOBBY, is why so many of us former Democrats now fully reject the party and prefer to take a risk with The Don, who, by the way, is the only president of my lifetime NOT to start a new war, despite the CIA attempting to bait him into Iran, and into Syria to turn Obama’s dirty war in that country into overt war. The Don refused to start those wars, and he refused to push Russia into war via Ukraine. He likes Russia, remember? But the dems took office and were more than happy to provoke Russia to war along with the other NATO warring countries, which they did, and now 600,000 Ukrainians are dead, and that country is destroyed.

I’ve worked with two Ukrainian refugees, and I can assure you the destruction of Ukraine is very real; their lives were destroyed by NATO and American Democrats for military-industrial dollars.

In all this Gaza stuff, STILL NOTHING about Ukraine from the ‘Not Another Bomb’ fake anti-war crowd…

RFK, Jr. is the LAST Democrat in my view, his words below make the rest of the party – The New/Woke Democrats – unrecognizable as the Democrats I once knew.


A funny Simpsons cartoon!

Nehalem Bay