Bouquets to Scholarships

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The heart of Friends of North County Recreation District FUNDRAISING is FLOWERS, and The Flower Committee is on track to bring in a Summer Season record-breaking $5,000 for scholarships.

“It takes a village” – and in this case, it takes three villages! More than thirty dedicated volunteers from Nehalem, Wheeler, Manzanita have given their time, talent, and flowers to make this fundraising effort a success.

Volunteers gather at the garden of Flower Committee Chair, Patty Rinehart, every morning to make arrangements for sale at the Little Apple and for Special Orders. Some volunteers bring flowers and greens from their own gardens; some make flower arrangements; some transport orders. Everyone enjoys coming together to benefit families in our community.


Friends of NCRD is always looking for New Volunteers. WOULD THAT BE YOU?

If so, call Linda Makohon @ 503-504-6224

And don’t forget the Friends of North County Recreation District will be soon beginning to sell Spring blooming bulbs and Amaryllis. Call Linda.

FRIENDS MISSION: To support NCRD programs and projects through promotion, fundraising, and providing scholarships to encourage inclusion for all.

Friends is currently selling flowers next to the Little Apple seven days a week. Fresh picked every morning you will find these bouquets calling your name. Many from $5-$10. Help us provide scholarships locally to people using NCRD.