Keep Manzanita Moving Forward

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Manzanita has now spent upwards of $20,000 + in legal fees and administrative costs solely because of resident Kugler’s obsession with water and getting his own way (and his tragic ongoing and hard-to-fathom, ignorance of municipal budget and water issues). We should include additional costs associated with his suing the City of Manzanita along with W. Stone and L. Swanson.. Kugler and Stone regularly insult Manzanita’s councilors, mayor, committee volunteers and city staff with rude and derogatory comments. As a small town, we need to acknowledge that these actions are not normal, nor are they healthy. I urge my neighbors, please do not enable these pitiable efforts. Please contact our competent, truthful and professional municipal representatives to understand the issues we truly face: Manzanita is run by volunteers: City Council/Mayor and numerous committees/commissions. All the committee members volunteer, are interviewed and then appointed to bring their skills to help our town. So “we” run our city. There is no us vs. them. They are in turn ably supported by our professional City Government employees.
There are over 600 registered voters in Manzanita, along with friends in our Urban Growth Boundary (many who work here and volunteer in local nonprofits). It is our collective voices that matter. Volunteer, put your name forward to be part of solutions to some difficult issues. Learn the facts. There’s a lot of exciting and positive challenges facing Manzanita and Tillamook County as well.