KMUN Community Radio Drive on through Monday 9pm!!

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KMUN Community Radio is in pledge/membership drive mode through Monday Sept 16th 9pm. 503-325-0010 91.9fm or 89.5fm KTCB PO Box 269 Astoria, OR 97103

There’s a challenge grant of $10,000! Matching funds for any and all NEW members. If you’ve never joined, now’s a great time. Any amount is welcome and gives you a membership. 503-325-0010 91.9fm or 89.5fm KTCB

If you’re already a member, pitch in a bit more and/or buy a new membership for someone else. Call anytime during the drive and tell folks what you like (or don’t) when you give you donation.

If you’ve been a guest or benefited from anything on KMUN, especially ARTS – Live & Local! (which I host every Friday 3-4pm) I’d love to hear from you via a supporting donation.

There will be a challenge grant from North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection this Friday along with guests from the organization. 503-325-0010 91.9fm or 89.5fm KTCB

Hope you’ll pitch in whatever suits your values and your budget.
It’s all about community, especially these days. If you have an event and want a guest spot on ARTS! let me know.
thanks, carol
Host: ARTS – Live & Local!