Deadline for BBQ Presidential Survey 5pm Sept 20

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Deadline 5pm Sept 20

BBQ Presidential Vote Survey

Are you planning on voting in the Presidential election? If you know for whom you are going to vote, as administrators of the BBQ, we are interested in understanding why you chose that candidate.

And we wonder if you would be willing to share that info on the BBQ by answering the following question:

What do you like about your candidate?

Those willing to answer that question must follow a couple of rules we created to have their thoughts posted on the BBQ.

Those rules are:

• Describe what you like about your candidate—values, priorities, attitude towards issues, etc.
• DO NOT respond with ANY language about the other candidate. Post must ONLY be about the candidate of your choice.
• Title must be “What I like about (name of candidate)
• Must use General Interest category
• Must respond before 5pm on Sept 20th

ALL posts that follow these rules will be posted on the BBQ website.

ANY post that does not follow these rules will not be posted.

Barbara and Chuck
BBQ Administrators