Why I am voting for Kamala Harris


Submitted By: barbaraandchuck@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post

Why I am voting for Kamala Harris

She wants to protect our democracy by making sure all eligible Americans can freely vote without harassment or restrictions.

She wants to create solutions for our countries many problems and will work with willing people of all parties who also want to create solutions.

She wants to protect the fundamental rights of all Americans, regardless of class, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and abilities.

She wants to make sure women have the right to control their own bodies.

She wants to protect the 2nd Amendment AND protect the lives of innocent school children and adults from being murdered by automatic weapons.

She strongly believes in the rule of law and that NO ONE is above the law.

She wants to make sure the super wealthy and corporations pay their fair share of taxes.

She wants to continue the successful work of making our economy stronger by providing living wage jobs, bringing down costs, reducing unemployment rates, and cutting taxes for working people and middle class Americans.

She wants to build 3 million affordable homes and rentals to stem the national housing crisis.

She wants to make affordable health care a right and not a privilege by strengthening and protecting the Affordable Care Act.

She wants to protect Social Security and Medicare.

She supports the bipartisan border security bill. She wants to secure our borders AND provide an earned pathway to citizenship.

She is committed to ending the opioid and fentanyl epidemic.

She is an effective international diplomat and is fit to be commander in chief.

I believe that Kamala Harris has the will, the intelligence, the temperament, the ability, and the commitment to “form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
