Please Join us for Conversations With Councilors

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Come to Conversations with Council!

Any questions you have about the new water rates, our guiding principals, the rate structure and financial considerations and why water rates changes, this is place to be!!

There is a Referendum on the ballot this fall (29-179). The issue before us is whether we continue monthly water billing or go back to quarterly billing. Interestingly, no other city in Tillamook County bills quarterly.
In response to the referendum the City executed a contract with OAWU to conduct a water rate study to develop a quarterly rate study.

We have included that study (September 2024 Water Rates Study), a link to the Work Shop where the study was discussed, a copy of the presentation and a League of Oregon Cities water study.
As we discovered, when comparing monthly to quarterly billing, there will be little or no effect on your actual bill.

We look forward to this conversation on a very important topic!!

These meetings are held at the Manzanita Visitor Center, and space is limited to 15 people per event.

Relevant Links:
City Council Workshop on Water:

2024 Manzanita Water Rate Study (presented in the video at approx. 4min):

Manzanita Water Rate Survey Report:

Manzanita Water Rate Comparison Study:

The dates for conversation with Councilors is listed on the attached promotional image as well.
If you do not have media capabilities in your e-mail the link to RSVP (tickets not needed) is here:

Space is reserved to 15 per event.
There is also a link on the City website:

Upcoming dates:
Tuesday October 1st at 10am
Wednesday October 2nd at 2pm
Monday October 7th at 1pm
Tuesday October 8th at 10am
Wednesday October 9th at 1pm
Monday October 14th at 10am