An Update on Both Oregon Drug Bills – measure 110 and HB 4002

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I would like to update and summarize the two drug bills in Oregon, measure 110, and HB 4002.

Measure 110 is still in effect! This info is in an article in the Seaside Signal written by Oregon Capitol Chronicle which is a journal written by Dems for Dems about what’s happening in Oregon via the legislature. Always good news – even if it isn’t! I read this regularly.

This article says that a new director to implement measure 110 has been chosen. And also it mentions that the “money” for this measure is still there!! Now why would they mention that? Don’t most of us expect that money given to implement a measure would be there? There were “rumors” that it was “mis managed” A nice way of putting it! They don’t mention the former directors name. Just forget it. The new director’s name is Abby Stamp and she starts her new job on October 15th. She has fifteen years experience in behavioral health and criminal justice. So apparently she, under the guidelines of measure 110 will be in charge of seeing that “treatment for addiction” will be provided. I assume this means that professional therapists will be available to provide treatment for those with drug addiction. Will this happen? I hope so and I think this is great. I feel ok with this and will keep track to see if this happens.

On the other hand measure HB 4002 did re-criminalize hard drugs. Those caught would be arrested and appropriately sentenced, given a choice between jail and “treatment”…But WAIT- Almost 2 years after passing measure 110 there is still very little treatment available, no monies were given to increase available treatment. What happened to the money? (It’s still there! It’s still there! they say) so then what? What do you do with an addict who says they want treatment when none is available? Well – there is deflection! YES a new term for me, DEFLECTION! Under HB 4002 if the criminal chooses treatment rather than jail (and who wouldn’t ?) They get deflection which means they go to a deflection house and sign in. They get a thorough check up- physical and background check. Then they can stay there – have a roof over their heads – get off the street- which is very important if you want to stop drug abuse, or they can leave – and thats that. There is nothing stopping them from going back on the street and doing drugs if they choose. They can be deflected over and over again…no limit!! Thats what I read – so back on the street again!!

Update on availability of detox beds in Multnomah county:
60% are turned away. As per KATU. Channel 2 news:
New deflection program challenged by lack of detox facility space in Multnomah County, Oregon.

Well, that’s Oregon government for you – doesn’t appear to work very well!

remember Democrats have to keep criminals on the streets. So all those who are arrested with drug charges are given a choice – jail or treatment – but there is no treatment at this time – so they are given “defection