Why I would NEVER vote for Trump

Submitted By: lisacmd1@gmail.com – Click to email about this post
What I cannot understand, is how anyone who has a daughter; anyone who is a veteran or has family members who are veterans; or is or knows anyone who immigrated to our country from another, can possibly vote for trump!
He has shown, time and again, that he has no respect for women or their bodies. He has displayed “pervy” behavior towards women through both his words and actions. What parent could sanction such behavior by voting for this man?
He has shown not only a lack of of respect for those who are or have been in military service, but
actual disdain for those who serve our country. There is example after example of if this disdain from his own draft dodging (not based on a political stance, but on self interest) to comments about the service of others, and his use of a Arlington National Cemetery as a campaign stop.
He has purposefully spread lies about immigrants in the face of real facts in order to engender fear to gin up his own support.
It is sad that so many Americans have fallen prey to the dishonesty and dishonor of the far right. It is against every principle of decency and is mean, ugly, and unconscionable.