Yardwork/general labor etc available

Submitted By: padraic@xyyd.org – Click to email about this post
After a gratefully busy summer laboring on the exteriors of the homes of many BBQ users, I finally have some openings in my upcoming schedule. I’m available for weed management, landscaping, blackberry removal, pruning, hauling stuff (small pickup truck), and all kinds of all things of that nature – also open to lots of other things such as cleaning, chopping fire wood, unpleasant jobs involving shovels, etc. I’m basically just available to help with stuff in general.
I did so much weedwhacking this summer that I decided to upgrade to a professionals weed-eater brush-cutter (maybe this only seems cool to me?). Also have a pressure-washer, a chainsaw, and a bunch of other tools.
I am an artistically-minded person and I enjoy being able to help people aesthetically enhance their environment to feel better about their homes (pointless and disgusting work is ok too, though). I have many references from local home owners as well as some local businesses that I have worked for as well, if that is a concern.
$30/hour. Text or call Patrick 503-488-0587

Thanks to everyone who I met over the summer!