BBQ posting clarifications

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We have been accused of not posting pro Trump posts on the bbq. With the exception of one individual THAT IS NOT TRUE.

That individual’s posts were not posted because they contained foul language and/or language attacking the character of someone. Let me be clear. Our refusal to post had nothing to do with the ideas presented in the post. Despite repeated warnings and opportunities to edit their posts, this individual continues to submit posts containing ad hominem; vilification; shaming or other contemptuous language. So we continue to refuse to post them.

If anyone else submitted a post on any subject that did not make it to the website it was strictly technical. If you do not get a thank you message after clicking on “submit” we are most likely not able to post it for some technical reason, often a problem with the size of images. If this happens to you check the home page for tips on posting or send us an email. We will do our best to get your post posted. We have been successful in helping a number of people who had technical issues get their post on the website.

Recently, for a limited time, we had a bbq survey of what people liked about their chosen presidential candidate. For that survey, we had a rule that the post couldn’t contain language about the other candidate. Since that survey has ended that rule no longer applies. As long as a post doesn’t violate the policy stated above, we will post it.

Here’s how the technical aspect works on our administrative end.

A person clicks on “here” under the heading “To Post” or in the sidebar of the home page of the website ( and enters their zipcode and email address. A link is sent to their email. (Please be sure to check your spam if you don’t find the link in your inbox.)

Once you click on that link you get a Record ID number and you are put in our posting queue. At that time the status of that record is NO. It remains NO until you fill out the form and click on submit. If that submission is successful, (ie you get a thank you message), the status of that record then changes to YES. We can only post records with a YES status and we process those YESES daily. To keep the queue manageable, if a record stays in the NO status for more than 24 hours it is deleted.

Since our process for posting is not automatic, if your post is time sensitive, please give us 24-48 hours to post. The Daily Summary comes out at 6 every evening and we do our best to process all YESES before 6. Sometimes that is not possible as we are not at the computer.

There is one other rare technical mishap that we have experienced. Our posting process takes 2 steps. Very rarely the post inexplicably disappears after the first step and we have no way of posting or retrieving it or contacting the poster.

Please contact us if ever your post is not successful.

Barbara and Chuck