Why I am Not voting for Kamala Harris

Submitted By: dixiegainer@icloud.com – Click to email about this post
Since the rules have changed and we can now poke at the other candidate for president I am submitting my reasons for not voting for Kamala Harris. I am one of the many independent voters in Tillamook county.
1. I have observed Kamala in her role as vice president. I have not been impressed in any way,
period. Not impressed.
2. The more I find out about her and listen to her
talk the more alarmed I am. Searching the internet I find lots of things that make her a very unattractive candidate but decided I would write about her stance on the important issues facing our country.
*The economy -inflation – Strong inflation did not occur until the Biden presidency. Donald Trump (2017–2021)
Average YOY Inflation Rate: 1.9%
Joe Biden (2021–)
Average YOY Inflation Rate: 5.2%*
Her solution to put in “price controls” are alarming. Throughout history this has never worked and causes food shortages and famine. Food shortages and famine are a globalists plan. I haven’t heard anything different from her so far. She listened to what Trump proposed for helping the economy and she said -OH! Yeah! me too. If Trump has a good idea about some tax cuts -Kamala says OH! “me-too” Oh – and the border – now she says Oh “me- too.”
She is your “me too” candidate for president!
The border. Crossing our border now, are drug cartels, human traffickers, armed young men of military age, lots of Chinese who have their own special route. Lots of fentanyl coming in to Oregon -a big enough problem here to pass some legislation about solving this problem.The reason countries have “borders” and a border check points are to keep out these kinds of people.
I guarantee you she will do nothing about the open border because that is a globalists policy – it is happening to other countries as well – open borders – This is a globalists policy – the purpose of which is to destroy nation states and have a “One World Government” She will not have a protected border. She is working for the globalists, although she probably doesn’t realize that.
Health Care: Many persons running for office are for “medicare for all” Obama ran on this – We vote for people who say they are for this, but we never get it. Oregon has been working on a medicare for all plan for a while but there is the Oregon Health Care plan now for medicaid and it has very serious problems. So I have no hopes for “medicare for all” in Oregon. Or in the USA.
Womans rights? I assume hers is the typical pro-choice stance, as is mine. And Trump’s is pro-life. In Oregon our Oregon constitution guarantees abortion rights so that is not a problem in this state. Pro-choice is here!
There is a childcare tax credit. It was 3000.00 when Trump took office – he raised it twice to 5000.00 and Kamala says she is going to raise it to 6000.00. That is her answer to the economy and young people who would like to be home owners. She says she will give a 25,000 dollar down payment to first time home buyers – well that is nice. Who is going to pay for it and will it be enough to buy a home? I don’t know and I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for this either.
Did Biden’s “pay off student loans work?” It looks like it didn’t according to the GAO. Here is your link www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-107150
What else?
She has failed miserably in all debates except the one by ABC which was totally stacked by friends in the media business: GOP congressman says ABC News may be called to testify about Trump-Harris debate fairness. Other than that she has failed miserably in debates or serious interviews –
and appears to be drugged. Seriously she does appear to be drugged, and I think she is. I tuned into the Oprah-Harris Townhall interview and was watching it – and it was quite embarrassing for Kamala. She actually once again appeared to be under the influence of something – drug or alcohol. My son and his daughter are here visiting. They are Kamala voters – I turned to Oprahs program for them but they said they didn’t watch stuff like that. I am convinced that they are voting AGAINST Trump instead of voting FOR Kamala. What are you doing?