Last call for the Community Grief Retreat this weekend!

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If you have been on the fence about joining us for the Community Grief Retreat this is for you.

There is room for a few more people and scholarships are available. We are offering $50 off registration until Thursday!

Click the link below to register:

For more information we did several podcasts on grief and community rituals and why we are gathering to do this work.

Check out the podcasts at the link below:

I also offer this for your heart to consider if you are wanting to come but hesitating.

When you turn towards grief expect shame to step in and offer you thoughts like:

You don’t need a grief retreat, that it’s not that bad.
Others have it way worse than you do.
It will be embarrassing to be in front of other people.
You’ll look terrible crying.
What if everyone else can go “there” but you can’t?
You’ll look so weird and feel out of place.
No one will like you. You won’t fit in.
Better to stay home. Watch Netflix. Eat ice cream.
Let those weirdos do grief rituals- that’s not for you.

Shame encourages us to hide. To pretend. To people please. To be “perfect” so no one can really see us.

The only way to rid ourselves of shame is to be brave. To share our hurt with others and see for ourselves that shame has been lying to us all along.

We do share the same emotions.
We all have grief.
We all feel unworthy of love and connection at times.
We all have wanted to belong but felt like outsiders.
We’re all scared, confused and overwhelmed by the world.

This is why it’s so powerful and necessary to do grief work with community.

Shame cannot exist when we show up in a group and share the places in us that have not known love.

Register/ more info at link below:
