No Virginia, the President Cannot…………….

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……..Get Rid Of Medicare!! Only the congress can do that!! As far as The View is concerned, I rate it maybe a quarter of a star for truth in politics. And that would be by accident!!
I am worried about medicare and social security however because as a country we are going broke – and as I listen to financial experts (?) I hear that if our (USA) debt gets any bigger it is not sustainable – and I think that is the goal of the DNC. This party has been chosen by the 1% to carry out the New World Order plans in this country. I will write more about that later. I have to say that everyone in my immediate family – me, my kids and my grandkids are all Democrats, except that I turned Independent when I realized where the Democratic party is leading us. In Oregon the Independent Party is now equal or larger in size to either the Dems Or Republican Party.

The 1% who own 99% of everything in the world have won the game of monopoly on this planet and have chosen whoever they can buy – which is 99% of the population, to put their plans in place. For the last couple of years the WEF (the World Economic Forum thru the United Nations) has been telling you what their plans are for you – yes you but probably you were not paying attention. You might find them on you tube – if you can, try watching in chronological order.

Our elections! “The Supreme Court made a critical decision in protecting the American right to vote. Non-citizens, illegal immigrants, and foreign nationals do not have the right to vote in this country or determine the integrity of our elections. Americans deserve confidence in knowing that only legal citizens are casting their vote in the United States of America.”

Yet! – the Oregon Democratic majority legislature has found that over over twelve hundred non documented persons are registered to vote in Oregon. OMG they say – we had no idea – Oh they sure do.! I am an elections denier and for good reason as you can see. Also Oregon’s Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum told the public a year or so ago that our election computers were not hackable but when testifying in court she said they were hackable! No confidence in that Oregon official!!!.

I decided the problem is the political parties which very very effectively divide us from being able to even think without bias. For example – I suggested to a neighbor that she join Taxpayers of Oregon, a group that watches how our tax dollars are being spent. She said – “ NO – there might be a Republican in that group!! I was so astonished at that reply.

The opposite party are LEPERS I guess, but you can see how crippled our thinking has become.

I am in the process of moving to a state in which in order to vote you have to go to your precinct and show them your ID before you can cast a vote. That is the ONLY WAY I feel to have verifiable election results. And which party wants that?! I ask you. Why not try to bring this type of voting back to Oregon?