Why i support Mary Leverette

Submitted By: babbles@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
This is a post to Wheeler voters:

Even though I live in Nehalem in terms of where my house is and for whom I can vote, I went to the Wheeler Candidates Forum at NCRD because I consider that I live in the entire Nehalem Bay community, which includes all three towns of Wheeler, Nehalem and Manzanita. I listened carefully to what each candidate had to say.

Mary Leverette’s work history includes an almost 30-year career in government service for the State of Oregon and the City of Portland. I believe she understands the mechanics of city government, and will bring experience to the Wheeler City Council.

I find her to be a person who is a fair-minded voice of reason. I believe she is devoted to serving her community, wants to help find solutions that will serve Wheeler long term, and is committed to Wheeler’s future.

She has been an organizer for the community of Wheeler, having worked in emergency preparedness and in coordinating the Wheeler Clean-Up Day for three years. She has attended nearly every Wheeler city council session for the past two years. This shows a keen interest in Wheeler’s well-being.

She tells us she is organized, fair-minded and practical. I believe her.

While it is not a specific qualification for being a city councilor, it speaks to me that she was a hospice volunteer for over fourteen years. Clearly, she is a caring person.

If I lived in Wheeler, Mary Leverette would get my vote. I believe she will be an effective city councilor.

om peace namaste

lucy brook