Behind the Manzanita Vote

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Manzanita will keep monthly water billing. The story behind the election results however  is the 204 voters who registered their disapproval of this Council decision.
The Referendum provided an opportunity to lay open a process marked with contradictory explanations by City officials, violation of an existing City Ordinance and real experience with the financial impact of these changes on household budgets that were at odds with promises by the City.
Were those 265 voters who voted to keep monthly billings willing to overlook the process and explanations really convinced that this decision was in the best interests of residents?  I can not answer that question. 
What I do know is that when you have a Councilor admit that he could not find citizens willing to talk with him about their concerns on this matter, you have a problem. Those 204 voters are not a noisy minority but rather citizens who have witnessed years of Councils who believe unanimous decisions on all city business is the sign of a healthy governing process, avoid whenever possible appointment of citizens to Committees who may ask unwanted questions and ignore and label those citizens who dare challenge the status quo.
Maybe what those 204 voices were saying to you Councilor is entertain some skepticism on what you are being told by staff and your consultants, be confident enough in your policy positions that you can appoint citizens to committees that may have opinions that differ from you and be willing to ask more questions before you make a decision.
Finally, thank you to all who voted. Think about that, you got the opportunity to directly have a say in an important community decision.
Randy Kugler