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Diving into resilience, courage, and engagement as we tune our Response-abilities so we can put them to good use in our community, country and world.
Remembering to live, laugh and love to move from feeling divided or alone to all-one
Diving into resilience, courage, and engagement as we tune our Response-abilities so we can put them to good use in our community, country and world.
Remembering to live, laugh and love to move from feeling divided or alone to all-one
This week led by Libby Golden
6:00 Warm-up will consist of a hodgepodge of techniques to soothe the nervous system and promote flow: including laughter yoga and qigong for lung and lymph health. Come, be in community and play
6:30 Dance Playlist inspired by music from around the world
@the white clove grange, HWY 53
$10 suggested donation
**Dance next week will be held Sunday the 24th, not Wednesday**