The Annual White Clover Grange Holiday Bazaar
36585 Hwy 53, about 2 miles east of Hwy 101.
Look for Daisy the Cow!
Local vendors include Lance’s Farm Vittles, Moon River Farm, River City Flower Farm, Little Wing Kinetics, Lone Wolf Forge, CommuniTea, Carola Wine and Cider, Gingifer’s Kitchen, Intertwist, Sweetheart Wheel, Aloha Hippie, Jose’s greenery and Christmas trees, and many more.
Gnarly’s Tacos food truck outside for a lunch treat!
Kid’s crafting in the Grange kitchen area
Delicious cookies and treats from Grange bakers
Cinnamon rolls from Handy Creek Bakery
Annie’s famous caramel corn.
Upstairs and down, vendors are selling a wide array of locally grown and crafted goods including vegetables, meats, teas, cider, wool, honey, pickles, jams and jellies, ceramics, felted art, jewelry, body care products, solar lamps, wreaths, dried flowers, stained glass, copper wind sculptures, pottery, hand forged metal art, beads, buttons and crafts, and more.