Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your eyes, and read here the tale of two wonder-kitties, Cassius and Flavia! Flavia is the wild child, super silly and always ready to play. As the big sister and the biggest of her siblings, Flavia takes charge as the first one out the door for playtime and the last one to call it a day. Although she is a little ball of energy, don’t let her wild side fool you; she is a total sweetheart. Flavia buzzes with adoration when she is around people and is super cuddly and affectionate.
Cassius is so handsome he belongs on the cover of Cat Vogue! He has a beautiful spotted tabby pattern on a silvery coat and bright green eyes. He is a brave little adventurer, who loves exploring and playing. When Cassius is ready to rest, he will find the highest spot to perch and keep watch like a true protector. While he may be a bit cautious when meeting new people, once you earn his trust, he’ll reward you with endless purrs and cozy lap cuddles.
Cassius and Flavia are about 12 weeks old and have been in a loving foster home. They are good with other cats and probably gentle dogs. They are are now ready for their forever home. Could that be you?
You can learn more about these two kittens as well as other cats and kittens available for adoption at, where you can also complete an adoption application and get pre-approved. Once pre-approved, you can schedule a “Meet & Greet.” You can also email or call United Paws at 503-842-5663 for more info.
You can view videos of these cuties the United Paws website or at the following links.