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If you’ve been missing the joy of the farmers market and/or looking for some awesome and local holiday gifts, make sure you head on over to the White Clover Grange this Saturday. Come see us in the basement for your seasonal veggie needs. Many of your favorite local farmers and artisans will be upstairs with so many amazing products.
Our organic veggie selection on Saturday includes: Arugula, Beets, Carrots, Chard, Cilantro, Daikon Radish, Heirloom Garlic, Kale, Storage Onions, Parsley, Huckleberry Gold, Yukon Gem, and Fingerling Potatoes, Red Radish, Salad Mix, Shallots, Spinach, Delicata, Acorn, and Mini Butternut Winter Squash.
Hope to see you there!
Where: White Clover Grange (36585 Hwy 53, Nehalem)
When: Saturday, December 7th, 11AM – 3PM (we’ll be in the basement)