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In honor of the late great legendary Lee Blackmon I am donating the rest of the trees I have to anyone who wants one! I’ve got about 17, 4ft trees left. If you know family who can’t afford a tree I welcome you to come pick up a tree for them off the lot anytime! If the family can’t afford a stand take the red bucket the tree is sitting in. If you are someone who wants a tree but doesn’t have the means to come pick it up call or text me and I will come deliver it to you! Preferrably by Saturday. Please help me find every tree a home:) 773-369-4229
It feels like Lee has been gone for longer than a year. Lee had such big love, life and heart for any spirit that crossed his path the loss of him is huge and truly been felt by everyone who knew him. I welcome you to come gather in his honor on the lot at the corner of manzanita & division tomorrow, Wednesday Dec.18th @3:30pm for a bonfire to remember Lee Blackmon who left us exactly one year ago. (the rain is showing to be on pause at this time). We’ll be burning some special Yule Logs that have many cleansing herbs attached and are sealed with dried roses from Lee & Malia’s wedding bouquet. You are encouraged to bring letters of love, sadness, grief, anger etc. to burn and send up to him. You know he is watching down on us. RIP