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We’re dancing twice this week, and we want you to join us!
We’re hardwired for dance, and cave art suggests we’ve been dancing for as far back as 70,000 years ago. Even three-week old babies will bounce and sync up their movements to a beat.
So what are you waiting for?
Life is short, but the days are about to get longer. Let’s dance!
Wednesday, 12/18:
Theme: Dancing for Light and Love
Facilitated by Lane deMoll
6pm Doors open and warm-up
6:30pm – 8 pm Dance and Circle
Where: White Clover Grange
Sunday, 12/22:
Theme: Perspective – Things aren’t always how we see them
Facilitated by Christina Pyktel
11am Doors open and warm-up
11:30am – 1pm Dance and Circle
Where: White Clover Grange