Location – Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita
Presenter: Margo Lalich, MPH, RN, Co-Founder – North Coast EOL Collective
Join the Conscious Aging and Community Connections at the Pine Grove Community House on January 13th, 2PM to 4PM, when we’ll focus on healthcare and estate paperwork, plus other tips to make things go more smoothly when the going gets tough. If you have been putting off putting “your affairs in order,” this event will provide guidance and incentive. If you already have everything in place, you may have good advice and ideas to help others. This two-hour, interactive North Coast EOL Collective presentation will offer valuable insights, helpful information, and resources for planning before and after the death of a spouse, partner, or family member, as well as for individuals who live alone or do not have close family. The session will include a self-assessment and discussion.
A $5 contribution at the door helps maintain the Pine Grove Community House as a gathering place for all.