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This is your chance to win a 2 night getaway at the beautiful Nehalem River Inn, located alongside the scenic South Fork of the Nehalem River!
Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The winning ticket will be drawn on February 8, at the Grange’s amazing PIE AUCTION and FEAST.
Chris and Heather, owners of the Inn have graciously donated this prize to benefit the Grange Building Fund.
Tickets are available at Manzanita Lumber. Come into the store, or contact White Clover Grange member Gayle Stephens at 503-440-7311 for ticket purchase or information.
Please join us on Saturday February 8 at 3pm for our Pie Day Auction/Feast–purchase a last minute raffle ticket, see if you are the lucky winner, AND fill up on pie!
For more information about the White Clover Grange and about PIE DAY 2025, check out our website or find us on facebook or instagram.
Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. The winning ticket will be drawn on February 8, at the Grange’s amazing PIE AUCTION and FEAST.
Chris and Heather, owners of the Inn have graciously donated this prize to benefit the Grange Building Fund.
Tickets are available at Manzanita Lumber. Come into the store, or contact White Clover Grange member Gayle Stephens at 503-440-7311 for ticket purchase or information.
Please join us on Saturday February 8 at 3pm for our Pie Day Auction/Feast–purchase a last minute raffle ticket, see if you are the lucky winner, AND fill up on pie!
For more information about the White Clover Grange and about PIE DAY 2025, check out our website or find us on facebook or instagram.