Putting it out there

Submitted By: lfelley@nehalemtel.net – Click to email about this post
After reading the reality of Trump’s executive orders and contemplating the ever present question, “What can I do?” I’d like to share my thoughts and hope that the US citizens and our government will work to be kind to ALL people and to preserve our earth and its beings. Here are some ideas I have to answer ”What can I do?”
-withdraw support of those in opposition to equality, kindness and a healthier planet. So I’ve deleted my social media accounts and will not use Amazon and shop locally even more.
-support organizations that have the means to fight back such as ACLU, Stand Tall Oregon, NCCWP…
-pay attention and respond to local politics that do not support my beliefs and those that do
Perhaps some of you will take action as well if not already doing so. I’m sure there are great ideas out there!