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The Tillamook County Pioneer has offered us all a great opportunity – a local, video based news program. Hi bbq land, my name is Drew Reid and I will be producing this endeavor. The link below is to the first edition and it is as bare bones as I could make it at just over 2.5 minutes.
This production should reflect what is important to you so I’m asking you to be co-creators. News comes in many forms and seldom is the head-line type. High school sports? Synopsis of city council meetings? Non-profit org events? Local business profiles?
Imagine an old time, small town radio news show…only in high def and on your phone or computer. Please drop me an email with your suggestions and insights. We all deserve a solid, regular, local news program and this is it’s humble beginning. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you, Drew.
This production should reflect what is important to you so I’m asking you to be co-creators. News comes in many forms and seldom is the head-line type. High school sports? Synopsis of city council meetings? Non-profit org events? Local business profiles?
Imagine an old time, small town radio news show…only in high def and on your phone or computer. Please drop me an email with your suggestions and insights. We all deserve a solid, regular, local news program and this is it’s humble beginning. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you, Drew.