Queen Platform Style Bed Frames and Mattresses

Submitted By: schechtel.m@comcast.net – Click to email about this post
I have been working on finding furniture for an apartment my sister and brother-in-law will be renting for 4-months this summer. I have come up with everything but the beds.

I am looking for two light-weight Queen bedframes, preferably platform style, and two gently-used mattresses. Free would be ideal but I’m also willing to pay a nominal amount.

I will donate, or post for free on the BBQ, all this furniture after my family leaves.

I would like to acquire these bed frames and mattresses soon because I am able to store them.
But if I don’t have luck finding what I need with this post, I’ll repost off and on.

Networking appreciated!

Thanks in advance.
Martha Schechtel
503-816-2129 call or text